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Popular Songs From The 70s 
On The Acoustic

Welcome to my popular songs from the 70s page where you'll find some great 70s rock tunes you can easily play on the acoustic guitar. Download the free chord sheets and check out my demo videos.

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popular songs from the 70s
Artists on this page:
Austin Roberts
Blue Swede - Christie
Echo And The Bunnymen
Sonny Curtis - Stealers Wheel
The Romantics - Wet Willie

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Popular Songs From The 70s
Chords, Lyrics, Demos, Tutorials

1. Benediction - Stealers Wheel

Album cover of Right Or Wrong featuring popular songs from the 70s and the song Benediction

Benediction can be found on the Stealers Wheel album Right Or Wrong from 1975.

The song was never released as a single.

A little picking in this one with a down down up down up down down up down up rhythm pattern played in standard tuning. These is some picking in here using the chords C, G, Am, F, Em, A and a D.

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2. Hooked On A Feeling - Blue Swede

Album cover of Hooked On A Feeling featuring popular songs from the 70s and the song Hooked On A Feeling

Hooked On A Feeling was from the Swedish band Blue Swede and this song was also the name of the 1974 album. BJ Thomas first recorded the song in 1969.

The Blue Swede version hit #1 in the US in 1974.

I play this one in standard tuning with a capo on the 2nd fret using a down down up up down up and repeat rhythm pattern. There is a few riffs in this one with the chords A, Amaj7, A7, D, Dm, Esus, E, Db, Gbm and Asus2maj7.

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3. Keep On Smiling - Wet Willie

Album cover of Keep On Smilin featuring popular songs from the 70s and the song Keep On Smilin

Keep On Smiling ... the bands most well-known song, was released in 1974 as part of their album of the same name.

This upbeat, feel-good track became their biggest hit, reaching No. 10 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. The song's positive message of perseverance and optimism, coupled with Jimmy Hall's soulful lead vocals, resonated strongly with listeners.

Its success helped propel the "Keep On Smilin'" album to No. 37 on the Billboard 200 chart. While Wet Willie never achieved the same level of commercial success with their subsequent releases, "Keep On Smiling" secured their place in the pantheon of 1970s Southern rock bands and remains their signature song, still played on classic rock radio stations today.

This one has a steady shuffle pattern with a few notes blended in standard tuning with the chords D, A and G and a small lead break.

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4. Leona - Wet Willie

Album cover of Dixie Rock featuring popular songs from the 70s and the song Leona

Leona is a single from the 1975 Wet Willie album Dixie Rock.

This song was released as a single and made it to #69 on the US rock charts in 1975.

This is a fast paced steady up and down rhythm pattern with a bit of lead in the middle of the song. In standard tuning, the chords you'll need are G, C, A, D and an Em.

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5. Love Is All Around - Sonny Curtis

Album cover of The 1st Of Sonny Curtis featuring popular songs from the 70s and the song Love Is All Around

Love Is All Around is a song written and performed by Sonny Curtis, best known as the theme song for "The Mary Tyler Moore Show," a popular American sitcom that aired from 1970 to 1977.

Curtis, a talented musician and songwriter who had previously worked with Buddy Holly and The Crickets, wrote the song specifically for the show.

The song's popularity extended beyond the show, with Curtis releasing it as a single in 1970. While it didn't achieve significant chart success on its own, "Love Is All Around" became a cultural touchstone due to its connection with the beloved TV series.

I play this with an Asus2, Dsus2, Gbm, Bm, E, and an A/Ab with an arpeggio pattern 123 up down up down up and repeat in standard tuning and no lead.

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6. San Bernadino - Christie

Album cover of Christie featuring popular songs from the 70s and the song Bernadino

San Bernadino was a single from the debut album from Christie called Christie in 1970.

The song was a top 10 in several countries and hit #1 in Switzerland.

The chords in this one are D, Gbm, Bm, G and A with a down down up down up down up rhythm pattern in standard tuning. There are a few chord riffs but no lead work in this one.

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7. Something's Wrong With Me - Austin Roberts

Album cover of Something's Wrong With Me featuring popular songs from the 70s and the song Something's Wrong With Me

Something's Wrong With Me was a hit for Austin Roberts in 1972 and hails from the album of the same name. The song charted higher at #12 on the US Billboard Hot 100 then one of his other well known songs "Rocky".

This one is played with a down down up down up down up and repeat rhythm pattern using the chords D, Dmaj7, G, Em, A7sus, A7 and a C. No lead in this one.

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8. Star - Stealers Wheel

Album cover of Ferguslie Park featuring popular songs from the 70s and the song Star

Star was released as a single from the Stealers Wheel album Ferguslie Park from 1973.

The song reached #12 in Canada, #25 in the UK and #29 in the US.

This one has a steady down up down up rhythm pattern or you could play a root down up root up down up in standard tuning. They recorded this a fret higher with the chords, D, C, G, Bm, Em, Am and a B7. You'll shuffle strum on that B7 change. A bit of picking in here as well.

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9. Stuck In The Middle - Stealers Wheel

Album cover of Stealers Wheel featuring popular songs from the 70s and the song Stuck In The Middle With You

Stuck In The Middle With You was from the bands first album in 1972 entitled Stealers Wheel.

The song hit #2 in Canada, #6 in the US and #8 in the UK and was their highest charting song.

You'll need Drop D Tuning for this one using the D, G, A, C and Am chords. If you were to play not fill in bass and slides the rhythm would be a down down up down up down up down up but as you'll see, this one keeps your hands moving.

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10. The Killing Moon - Echo & The Bunnymen

Album cover of Ocean Rain featuring popular songs from the 70s and the song The Killing Moon

The Killing Moon was a single release from the 1984 album Ocean Rain from Echo And The Bunnymen.

The song peaked at #7 in Ireland and #9 in the UK, which was their highest charting single in Ireland.

I play this one with a down down up up down up rhythm pattern with the chords Bm, Cm, G, Em, C, A, D and an E.

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11. Two For The Show - Trooper

Album cover of Two For The Show featuring popular songs from the 70s and the song Two For The Show

Two For The Show was a single from the Trooper 1976 album of the same name. The track reach #32 on the Canadian Rock charts.

I play this one in standard tuning with a down down up down up down up rhythm pattern. The chords you'll need G, Bm, Am7, C and a D. And yeah there is a bit of lead work in this one.

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12. What I Like About You - The Romantics

Album cover of The Romantics featuring popular songs from the 70s and the song What I Like About You

What I Like About You was a single release from The Romantics debut album. The song was released in 1979 and the album in 1980. The track reached #61 on the US Billboard Top 200.

This one is a bit of a high sing for me in the key of E with the additional chords A, D, G and a B7. A little picking here with a steady down down up down up down up rhythm pattern in standard tuning.

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13. Yellow River - Christie

Album cover of Christie featuring popular songs from the 70s and the song Yellow River

Yellow River was a huge song for the band Christie when it was released as a single in 1970 from their album Christie.

The song went on to be a #1 in several places in Europe including the UK, and reached #23 in the US.

You have an option to play a little bass in the rhythm with this one playing a down up pause up rhythm pattern as you'll see as the song progresses. Playing the C chord you'll see a G bass being played so you can use that or leave it out.

The chords are C, Em, Am, Dm, G, and an F. So shuffle picking in this one.

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